DECOC means in french: ” La Dynamique de l’Elite Congolaise en Corée du Sud” or Dynamic of Congolese Elite Community in Korea in English.
The Dynamic of Congolese Elite Community in Korea, in acronym DECOC, is a non-profit organization of Congolese students, graduate students, former students, workers, employees, and executives residing in South Korea, officially created in 2014.
Primarily, it aims to consolidate the bonds of fraternity between Congolese students evolving in Korea and promote our intellectual and cultural values that represent our identity as Congolese citizens.
Secondly, it aims to play the role of a bridge that promotes and facilitates friendship and exchange between the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Korea through different scientific and cultural activities. DECOC operates under the following slogan “Knowledge-Creativity-Fraternity for the zeal of our country, D.R. Congo”. Slogan in French : Connaissance, créativité et fraternité ! Pour le zèle de mon Pays la RDC.
DECOC intends to concretize its assigned mission and objectives by organizing various meetings and scientific activities such as conferences, forums, colloquia, seminars, as well as cultural and other activities that promote the image of the R.D. Congo and highlight its culture.
how we came up with such result?
- we organize series of activities which bring everyone together in one hand, we conducted informal and formal meeting with each Congolese student in Korea to share our vision;
- we setted-up special Department and structures to list but a few: DECOC SPORT and MUSIC, the electoral commission, the solidarity fund, a General Assembly, we created DECOC’s micro cells in each city in Korea where there is Congolese students, etc.
- we have established partnerships with the Congolese Embassy, and public and private institutions in Korea.
- We built up some values such as: solidarity, openness, harmony, transparency, freedom of opinion, the rules of good governance; etc.
Our involvement for the success and the strengthen of our community lead us, as an actor of inclusion, to build a DECOC spirit, you might see it in our moto: “ for the zeal of our country”. That’s mean, from diversity of culture and interest among Congolese students, we succeed to build a united and dynamic community where both members share same vision and goal. We share with you this success because together we want to build a world of friendship and solidarity for a prosperous Congo and Korea.
Brief History :
DECOC is the result of a will expressed by Congolese students evolving in several universities and language schools across the Republic of Korea, to formalize the bonds of brotherhood, friendship, and solidarity around a structure that could gather together all Congolese students residing in Korea. It started around sporadic and informal meetings during festive activities, sports, academic snacks and so forth. This led in early 2013, the precursors like Adrien MUTABESHA (initiator) and others, to preview the idea of creating a structure that could gather together all Congolese students evolving in Korea. Later, series of discussions and negotiations were successively followed in Seoul, Busan and Daegu by several members.
From that cycle, an Ad Hoc Commission was created with the mission of drafting the DECOC status and ensuring an easy life and integration of the Congolese students in the Korean society.
In early 2014, the Status was adopted and DECOC was officially created, and had its first formal executive committee members: Adrien MUTABESHA, Patience KATUNDA, Ken MUKUNA, and Christian BIGABWA (2015-2016), followed by:
- 2016-2017: Franck KIMETYA (P), Christian Bigabwa (VP), Frigeant BAUMA (GS), Alice KIYONGA (Trésorière)
- 2017-2018: Christian Bigabwa (P), Merlec MPYANA (VP), Pacific RUSATI (GS), Alice KIYONGA (Trésorière)
- 2018 – 2019 : Rodrigue Gendusa (P), Merlec MPYANA (VP), Vially Kazadi (Secrétaire), Judith Kinda (Trésorière)
From 2019, DECOC had two official offices: (1) General Assembly Office and (2) Executive Office.
- 2019 – 2021 : General Assembly Office : Carlos Nkuba (P) , Espoire Kabanga (VP), Grace Ossak( Sec)
- 2019 – 2021 : Executive Office : Merlec MPYANA (P ), Vially Kazadi (VP), Sinai Nday Kabulo (Secrétaire), Alice KIYONGA (T)
- 2021 – 2022 : Michel Ausse Buandji (P), Stella Unya (VP), Samuel Wawina (Sec), Alice Kiyonga (Trésorière)
- 2022 – 2023 : Dahouda Mwamba Kasongo (P), Stella Unya (VP), Samuel Wawina (Sec), Alice Kiyonga (Trésorière)